A Gunsmith goes Sailing

Location: Houston, Texas, United States

47yo married guy from Canada now living in Houston TX. Gunsmith by trade, sailor by nature, hedonist in my dreams. Moderately overweight with most of my hair and teeth. Crystal blue eyes, a good sense of humour and a bad attitude toward conspicuous consumerism. Quick, able and talented at many of the mechanical arts which is handy as I'm to poor to let other folks do my work for me. Life long sailor. Exlogger and commercial fisherman, die hard thinking environmentalist, wannabe world traveller. I love clear water, warm sun, quiet boats, beautiful women, cold beer, Bookers bourbon and being just who I am.(mostly)

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Ahhhh, the joys of work.
Ya right. I'd rather be sailing.

So since my last entry, IN FEBRUARY, I've been a busy lad.

Ive added all kinds of little things to make life easier(in theory anyway).
An anchor roller so the chain wont eat my bow sprit, a mount for my tiller pilot, a bimini, fixed a bunch of stuff that need it and finally got a picture of "Turtle" under sail.
I also got her name on the bow so she is now officially "Turtle".

The few days I've managed to sneak away for a day on the water have been rare but I've enjoyed them just the same.
The wife and I have spent a few nights aboard if only at the dock. She seems to be trying more to understand the sailing part of sailing. She has the sunning and sipping beer part all figured out. She steered all the way down the ship channel to the bay last time without getting us killed.
We even went for a (quick) dip in the bay while anchored. The bay water is very warm and not very refreshing but it did the trick anyway.
Our day trip 2 weeks ago was capped off by having several dolphins (grey air breathing type) surface and swim very close to the boat. Linda was very excited as she loves to see them. They are a regular sight near the mouth of the big container port, why I can't fathom.
Well it's back to the grind for another day. I will be more attentive to my blog as I know y'all can hardly wait.
Is there any body out there? ..............martin